LGBTQIA+ Mental health
Mental health is one of our key social pillars here at Togethr. We want to listen, learn, and support our LGBTQIA+ communities – and vow to continue doing so without prejudice or judgement.
While we know that anyone can experience mental health problems but those of us in the LGBTQIA+ communities are 5x times more likely to develop problems such as:
Low self esteem
Anxiety or social anxiety
Disordered eating or
Drugs and Alcohol misuse
Homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic attacks are on the rise, meanwhile, certain legislation forbids LGBTQIA+ members from receiving essential healthcare. It’s no wonder our people are statistically more likely to suffer from an array of mental health issues. From depression, anxiety, eating disorders, severe low self-esteem, OCD, suicidal thoughts and countless more issues, LGBTQIA+ communities are facing a mental health crisis.
Our activism has facilitated our meeting countless members of LGBTQIA+ communities who, despite suffering under the effects of mental health issues, have continued advocating our community’s right to freedom. Best Gay Life intends to represent our community by raising awareness and reducing stigma around mental health. We will challenge policy changes preventing our communities from receiving life-changing medical service, while lobbying MPs to bring LGBTQIA+ mental health matters to the forefront.
Togethr is devoted to supporting our community. We know first hand the issues that factors such as discrimination and inequalities can have on our mental health.
Why MindOut?
Alongside services such as online support, advocacy and counselling, MindOut offers peer support groups. They are a safe space for LGBTQIA+ people and those questioning their gender and sexual identity to discuss mental health challenges. Some groups are themed which means people can connect with others struggling with similar issues to really get the help they need. MindOut’s online chat service also offers specific support including 50+, trans and QTIPOC (queer, trans & intersex People of Colour) sessions.
About Helsa Helps
We’ve partnered with Helsa Helps, a UK organisation bringing LGBTQIA+ people together with LGBTQIA+ specialised therapists. Helsa uses technology to partner our people to the therapists most suited to support them. Four separate mental wellbeing tests assess one’s anxiety, depression, stress and minority stress, and then help is offered both off and online.
“Due to the heteronormative society we grow up and live in, LGBTQIA+ people suffer more from common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. This is caused by unique stressors many of us experience, such as stigma, internalised homophobia and concealment of identity. I founded Helsa to address this mental health gap and help LGBTQIA+ people live happier lives.”
Marc Svensson, Helsa Helps Founder